Success stories

I practice all sorts of health interventions.

As well as nutrition you might like to see some of the rehab successes too.

Here is a brief look at the broad range of success stories, a few reviews and some interesting before and after videos

Olivia's Lost 37lbs In 8 Months

Olivia is Danish đź“Ť

And she is...

Thriving on the carnivore diet 🥩

She has...

Healed: lichen sclerosis, digestive issues and severe fatigue

At the time of the video she is...

Down 17kg / 37.5lbs since December 2020

Nanci Lost 80lbs On Keto

Nanci is an ex-nurse who I met through my MeatRx coaching. Her story is not finished yet but I think you'll find it inspiring.

Nanci's journey started a few years back thanks to seeing Dr Ken Berry and visiting She went keto and lost an astonishing 80lbs.

18lbs Lost

Very brief chat about how 6 weeks of this new way of eating is working out for her.

18lb weight loss

down to a size 6 dress and

fibromyalgia symptoms gone for the last 2 weeks

21lbs lost

Pains gone

Off Metformin

HbA1C down

21lbs of weight loss in less than 7 weeks

Emma's Story

After 6 years of being Vegan Emma's gut health was not so good. Since trying the carnivore diet she's seen improvements in gut health and brain function.

I'd also have to say Emma looks amazing in her 60th year!

Phil's Story

Phil follows the carnivore way of eating and has seen his sleep improve along with his gut health.

He also follows a personal training program and is adding muscle for the first time in his life.


Hear from Mias as he talks about having more stamina

Less pain

Feeling great, having a flat stomach, losing 6Kg in a few weeks

He even gives some cooking tips!

Laughs at How Quickly It's Fixed

This client had issues with pain and movement for over 4 years.

He demonstrated how little he could move his arm without supporting it with the other arm.

Just 10 minutes later, it was all fixed!

Love his laughter at how simple it was.

Arm Movement Improved

This lady had trouble moving her arm above her head.

A session was all it took to return it to full range of motion (without pain)

2 Years of Pain Gone in 2 Sessions

Brief video testimonial of a lady who had pain in the legs for over 2 years and after only 2 sessions felt like her legs had gone back to 'normal'

Arm Movement Improved

A friend of mine mentioned that her mum could not 'do' her hair properly because she could not get her hand behind her head far enough.

A 20 minute session helped her out!

Neck Pain for Years Gone in 1 Session

This lovely lady had been having quite serious neck pain for many years and was relieved to be able to move her neck fully after a session

Knee Rehab

Keep doing exercises that the surgeon recommends or speak to a PT.

It does take time but the knee needs prescribed movements after surgery.

This short video shows the slow but noticeable increase in range of motion for this patient.



Online Coaching Reviews




Walt & Jasmin

Meghan & Jerry


James, Shelly & Steve

Joe, Kat & Bill


Evelilina & Jamie

Yomi & Hogne

Chisolm & William

Anthony & Ryan


Phil, Michael & Lindsay

Fred & Brenden


Stephen & Jim




Reviews On Facebook

Movement Improved

Flo can now straighten her arm

Posture Corrected

Kelly can stand straight now

Discomfort gone

Alison's great review

Straighten Posture

This lady had been stooped over for many years. Some simple movement and diet improvements had Josephine in less pain and standing more upright!

Going low-carb

Yet another client enjoyed the change

5 Inches Off Stomach

I get these kind of messages every day

10 Years Of Pain Gone

Kerry with a lovely, detailed review

Wrist Problem Gone

Jodie thinks it took 2 seconds but it was a bit longer!

Lower Back Pain Gone

Jack reckons 20 seconds, might have been a bit longer!


Sally reduced her tramadol to zero!


Rebecca feeling better quickly

Feeling Great!

Took just 2 minutes!


Dawn very happy

Neck Pain Gone

Christine's kind review

Highly Recommended

Anita glad to endorse the work

Enjoy Sessions

Tanya's review

17lbs Weight Loss

Rachel's losing weight going low carb

Amazing Results

Tracy lost weight on low carb is a website that you can advertise your services on. We no longer do this as everyone we see is recommendations from other clients / patients. When we were on there we were very successful.

24 Ratings of 5 Stars

96% 5 Star Ratings



